
Что для человека будет только то, что он старался сделать

About to: ready to, on the verge of

After all: despite everything, when everything has been considered, the fact is

At least: anyway, the good thing is that

Break the news: to make something known

Cost an arm and leg: to be very expensive

Dead-end job: a job that won't lead to anything else

(Let's face it: accept a difficult reality

Give somebody the creeps: to create a feeling of disgust or horror

Go back to the drawing board: to start a task over because the last try failed; to start again from the beginning

Go belly-up: to go bankrupt

Give someone the ax: to fire someone

Lose one's temper: to become very angry

Make up one's mind: to reach a decision; to decide

No point in: no reason to; it's not worth (doing something

Real flop or flop: a failure

Save the day: to prevent a disaster or misfortune

As sharp as a tack: very intelligent

Talk over: to discuss

Top dollar: the highest end of a price range; a lot of money




نوشته شده در جمعه 11 مرداد 1392برچسب:,ساعت 11:34 توسط Majid| |

Learning English, or any new language, is not as difficult as most people think.  The problem is that most people who try to learn English use the wrong methods and believe that just studying “harder and longer” is the right solution.

I have a lot of experience teaching English to people who really want to improve.  I’ve seen many people succeed and many people fail.  My  goal over the past couple of years has been to find the best way to learn English.

I’m a native speaker and I interview a lot of people for well paying international jobs and I have a lot of friends from all over the world.  I’ve listened to the secrets from all the best students I’ve seen.

The funny thing is that the students who learn well don’t even think they are studying.  They are having fun.  They don’t think of studying English as some terrible thing that they “should” do.  They learn from popular American TV shows, movies, and of course podcasts.

The worst way to study is to use a dictionary and try to remember a lot of new vocabulary words.  You will get bored quickly and you will forget a lot.  In over 10 years I’ve never seen anyone having success with this method.

Reading the newspaper is also a terrible way to study because the style of newspaper writing is completely different from the way that people actually communicate with each other.

It’s 2011 and you should be thinking of the most modern methods instead of the terrible ones of the past.  Your parents probably learned English in school and I’m guessing they don’t speak very well at all.  They are probably smart people, it’s just that schools don’t teach anything useful.  They focus on test scores and grammar and a lot of weird things that are really not important or necessary at all.

My brother and I have spent several years watching the best movies and TV shows and writing down all the cool slang and useful phrases and vocabulary that you will often hear and need in your daily life.  I use all of these really interesting and fun vocabulary and slang words and explain them clearly in 10-12 minute podcasts.  These are MP3′s that you can download on your Android phone, computer, Iphone, Ipad, Galaxy tab, or any other MP3 player like a regular ipod.

You can listen to our funny shows and learn a natural style of speaking between two brothers from Canada.  In case you didn’t know, we sound basically the same as Americans.  Even when we meet American people, they don’t know if we are Canadian or American.  We are from a city just outside of Toronto and we’re living in Shanghai China.  If you go to the gym, go for walks, drive a car, take the bus, or just have some time before bed to listen to us for 10-15 minutes per day, your spoken English, listening, and even writing will improve very quickly.   I know that because we’ve sold over 10 000 of these products.

We have many people send us emails every day telling us that they really improved a lot and it makes us really happy to hear that.  You can have the whole program downloaded immediately after you buy it.  If you want to know a little more about what we do, sign up below for our free English learning ebooks and learning advice that we will email you.  We are not a big boring company.  We will email you friendly funny stuff that will really help your life and help you become like a true native English speaker.

نوشته شده در پنج شنبه 10 مرداد 1392برچسب:,ساعت 12:15 توسط Majid| |

This is a VERY useful and common phrase native English speakers use all the time.

If someone says, “I don’t give a damn” about something, it means, “I don’t care” about something.  They are saying it’s not important and it’s not interesting in their opinion.  It also means something like, “That doesn’t matter to me at all”.

For example, a strict father could say to his daughter, “I really don’t give a damn if your friend’s parents let you get a tattoo.  You are my daughter and I don’t want you to do it”.

Another phrase with the same meaning is “I don’t give a shit…”  Even though “shit” is a “bad word” it’s not really very bad when used in this case.

Someone who isn’t interested in sports could say, “I don’t really give a shit about professional basketball”.

Another example sentence is: “I really don’t give a shit what he said, he’s a complete idiot”

So…  “I don’t give a shit” and “I don’t give a damn” means “I don’t care AT ALL”.  It’s just a very strong and common way of saying “I don’t care”.  They are Great phrases!

نوشته شده در پنج شنبه 10 مرداد 1392برچسب:,ساعت 12:12 توسط Majid| |

If you “put someone down” it means that you say something mean or unkind to them for the purpose of hurting them.  The phrase to “put someone down” is usually used when someone is intentionally trying to hurt another person’s feelings.

For example, if someone says, “Do you think my website looks good?” and you answer, “Well, to be honest, I don’t think the design is very good.  Maybe it would be a good idea for you to hire a professional designer” That is NOT “putting them down“.

That answer might hurt the other person’s feelings and it was probably not what the person wanted to hear, BUT, this is NOT putting someone down because the purpose of the answer was to help.

If the same person just said, “Hey, your website looks really ugly” for no reason at all, that WOULD be putting the other person down because the purpose was to hurt, not help.

So, putting someone down is NEVER nice.  It’s saying something unkind AND doing it for the purpose of hurting someone’s feelings.

Another example: “I don’t understand why Brian is so mean to people.  I think he only feels good when he puts other people down

نوشته شده در پنج شنبه 10 مرداد 1392برچسب:,ساعت 12:11 توسط Majid| |

This is a great phrase in English.  It’s very commonly used as well.

If someone does something as “a last resort” it means they did it AFTER they considered all other options first.  This action was their last and least favourite option to choose.

Some examples will help clear this up for you…

Many countries say they hate war, but they will do it only as a last resort.

That means the countries hope to find a solution without war (a peaceful solution), but if they still can’t agree on a peaceful solution, they will go to war as a last resort.

Another example is this:  Imagine a married couple who is going through some difficult times in their marriage.  They don’t really love each other any more, but they have kids together and don’t want a divorce.

They might try many things to see if they can work things out and fall in love again, but if all of their efforts still fail, they may choose to get divorced as a last resort.

I think these example should help you guys with the true meaning.  It’s a great phrase and I hope you use it.  Pay close attention to what you hear on TV and see in the news.  I’m sure you’ll start to notice this phrase more and more.

نوشته شده در پنج شنبه 10 مرداد 1392برچسب:,ساعت 12:8 توسط Majid| |

This is another amazing term that is used all the time in spoken English.

If you “get under someone’s skin” it means you annoy or irritate them.  Whatever you are doing is somehow bothering them.  That’s what “getting under someone’s skin” means.  It could also mean to make someone angry quite easily.

Here are some examples:

“I’m not sure why, but that guy really get’s under my skin.”

That means, “I don’t know why but that guy really annoys me.”

Another one is:

“Please stop singing that song.  It really gets under my skin.”

So, “Please don’t sing that song because it’s very annoying for me”

It’s a great phrase and I hope you use it well!

نوشته شده در پنج شنبه 10 مرداد 1392برچسب:,ساعت 12:6 توسط Majid| |

A “class act” is a very good and quite a high level slang term to be able to use.

If someone is a “class act” it means they are very “classy”.  It’s actually a very positive term if someone is a real class act.  They are a great, wonderful, and classy person etc…

BUT… Here is how the phrase is ALMOST ALWAYS used.  It’s almost always a sarcastic one.  That means, people almost always use this phrase to describe someone who is NOT a class act.  They are instead the opposite of a class act.

So imagine someone who is loud, rude, and stupid.  Maybe they are overconfident at the same time.  That would be a terrible combination of character traits for someone to have, but I’m sure we all know people like this.

This loud, rude, and annoying person could be referred to as a “real class act“.   In this case, it means the person is TERRIBLE.

So, when someone says, “Wow, that guy is a real class act” they mean, that guy has a bunch of terrible characteristics.  As I mentioned, these characteristics are often rude, loud, overconfident etc.

It’s important to pay attention to when this term “class act” is used.  If the person is really great, then it’s a positive meaning.  Just remember that most of the time it’s used in a joking way to refer to someone with those negative qualities.

Ok… So that was a really high level and great term for you.  I hope you learned the basic meaning and will start to use it!

نوشته شده در پنج شنبه 10 مرداد 1392برچسب:,ساعت 12:2 توسط Majid| |

This is an AWESOME and simple phrase in spoken English.  You just need 2 minutes to learn this great phrase and I’m sure you’ll remember it forever.  I’m excited to teach it to you here!

The term is “Dirt Cheap“.  If something is “cheap” it is “not expensive” or “something that doesn’t cost much money”.

I’m sure you can guess that “Dirt Cheap” is Super cheap compared with other similar things.  It means incredibly cheap, at least relatively speaking.

I could say, “The food in Thailand tastes amazing, is very healthy, and is dirt cheap“.  It’s true!  I love Thai food.

I could also use it in a way to make a comparison.  ”Computers are dirt cheap now compared with 10 years ago”.

Ok… I think you got it.  Great phrase!  Make sure you use it well and often.  Enjoy!

نوشته شده در پنج شنبه 10 مرداد 1392برچسب:,ساعت 12:0 توسط Majid| |

In English, an “eye opener” is some event or situation that makes you really think about things differently.

An “eye opener” is an experience that gives you more knowledge and a deeper understanding about something.

Some examples will really help to clear this up:

I had no idea what China was really like before I travelled there.  It was a real eye opening experience.  It’s a very different place than the western media portrays it.

You should watch that new documentary I gave you about how difficult it is for poor people to get health care in the USA.   It’s a real eye opener.  There are many more poor people there than I thought.

So, if you do something that gives you new information and an “improved” opinion or more educated attitude about something, you can say it was a real “eye opening experience” or a real “eye opener

نوشته شده در پنج شنبه 10 مرداد 1392برچسب:,ساعت 11:59 توسط Majid| |

This is an amazing phrase used in spoken English.  If you “shoot yourself in the foot” it means that you accidentally do something that is negative for you.

To help you remember phrases, it’s very helpful to understand the original meaning of the phrase.

Imagine you owned a gun and you weren’t being careful with it.  You might be playing around with the gun and you accidentally shoot yourself in the foot.  Then you need to go to the hospital to fix your foot and you probably won’t be able to walk for about 6 months.  (This would obviously be a stupid thing to do!)

Well… Now think about how this phrase might be applied (used) in real spoken English.  If you “shoot yourself in the foot” it means you did something to yourself that will hurt you, not help you.

Here is a perfect example of shooting yourself in the foot:  Imagine you have an important job interview tomorrow.  Now imagine you went 15 minutes late to the interview and you also wore dirty clothes for no reason.

This would clearly make your chances of getting the job much lower and would be a very stupid thing to do to yourself.  That would be called, “shooting yourself in the foot

Also… If you don’t learn English at a high level, you are also “shooting yourself in the foot” because you are limiting your opportunities at work and in many areas of life.  You might not realize how negative this is, but people with better English have MUCH better lives.  I hope this gives you some extra motivation to study now!  Keep going!

نوشته شده در پنج شنبه 10 مرداد 1392برچسب:,ساعت 11:56 توسط Majid| |

If someone is “living paycheck to paycheck” it means they never save any money.

They keep spending all the money they earn.  For example, if you earn $1000 USD per month and you spend $1000 USD per month, you are living paycheck to paycheck.

Living paycheck to paycheck” is a very common situation all over the world.

It’s a very common and useful phrase in spoken English as well.

If you are currently “living paycheck to paycheck” I would advise you to stop spending money on “useless things” and start investing money in yourself.

Maybe you need to improve your English so you can earn more money in your job by getting a raise.  That is just one example.  If you earn more money, you can improve your lifestyle AND start saving money!

Then you won’t need to live paycheck to paycheck any more!

نوشته شده در پنج شنبه 10 مرداد 1392برچسب:,ساعت 11:54 توسط Majid| |

This is an awesome “cultural” slang phrase here.  I love when I can teach some language and culture at the same time.

Imagine you have a little lovely baby and your baby is taking a bath.  The bath water will be dirty and you need to throw away the water.  Of course it would be crazy to throw away your baby as well.  You need to take you baby out of the bath, and only throw away the dirty water.  This is very obvious and total common sense, but that is the what the phrase is literally talking about.

In spoken English, if you say, “Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water“, you are really trying to say, “Just because something is bad, it doesn’t mean that the whole thing is bad.  We should save the good part and ONLY get rid of what we don’t want”.

For example, you could say, “I know that he has done some bad things in his life.  But don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater and hate everything about him.  He’s also donated a lot of money to charity and done some wonderful things for this country”.

نوشته شده در پنج شنبه 10 مرداد 1392برچسب:,ساعت 11:52 توسط Majid| |

No pain, no gain” means “If something in life is too easy, then you won’t have any success 

I think many cultures have the same idea.  It’s that life isn’t easy.  We need to work hard to get real results.  If you workout in a gym, your trainer might say to you, “no pain, no gain“.  He (or she) is saying that your workouts should be difficult if you want to get a better body.  You need some “pain” or hard work to get real results.

The meaning of this phrase is really, “Real success takes hard work.  It will happen, but you need effort”

It’s just that “No pain, no gain” is easier to remember and it sounds a lot cooler too!  I hope you enjoyed this one and I hope you remember to use it in your daily life:)


نوشته شده در جمعه 4 مرداد 1392برچسب:,ساعت 12:2 توسط Majid| |

This is another AWESOME phrase in spoken English!  If things are “Going Downhill” it means that they are getting worse and worse.

Here are some examples:

“I used to be good at basketball when I was in high school, but my abilities started going downhill after I turned 40″

“She was really attractive when she was young but her looks have been going downhill lately”

“I think I will need glasses soon.  My eyesight seems to be going downhill fast”

So now you know how to use the popular term “going downhill“.  I’m sure you’ll start to notice it more and more.  It’s a great phrase so please remember to use it!

نوشته شده در جمعه 4 مرداد 1392برچسب:,ساعت 11:43 توسط Majid| |

Don’t judge a book by it’s cover” is a common and very useful idiom.

Imagine you are in a book store and you want to buy a new book.  Suppose you pick up a book you have never heard of before.  How do you decide if you should buy the book or not?  All you can really do is look at the cover and read the back of the book and “take a guess”.

The point is that it’s impossible to know if the book will actually be good or not by just looking at the design on the front of the book.  The content or the written material is what is truly important, not the design on the cover (the front of the book).

This applies to many areas in life.  There are many good websites that look ugly, and there are many bad websites that look quite “pretty”.  You can tell someone, “Don’t judge a book by it’s cover” if you are trying to recommend a website that doesn’t look great, but actually is very useful.

Sometimes we also do this with people.  A girl might not be very attractive physically, but she may be a wonderful person inside.  Someone who is extremely beautiful on the outside also may be a horrible and mean person on the inside (ie. A bad and/or selfish personality)

So, if you “Judge a book by it’s cover” it means you judge something’s value or quality by the way it looks or appears, rather than by the quality of the actual content.  Now use this.  It’s a great phrase!

نوشته شده در جمعه 4 مرداد 1392برچسب:,ساعت 11:40 توسط Majid| |

This is an awesome phrase in spoken English.

If there is a lot of “red tape” it means there is a lot of annoying rules or “paperwork” to do.  When governments have a lot of rules and regulations, we say there is a lot of “red tape“.

The government always wants to make things safe for people, but sometimes in the process of trying to make things safe and fair, they simply make too many rules and it’s hard to get anything done.

One example:  I wanted to start my own business last year, but I didn’t because there was just too much red tape.  I think our country’s economy would be a lot better if there wasn’t so much red tape every time someone wanted to start a business.

Another example:  It is possible for you to move to the USA, get an American passport, and become a real American citizen, but the process takes a long time and there is a lot of red tape.

نوشته شده در جمعه 4 مرداد 1392برچسب:,ساعت 11:38 توسط Majid| |

If something is “set in stone” it means that it cannot be changed.  Sometimes we also say “written in stone“.  ”Stone” is basically the material of rock.

Imagine the olden days, a long long time ago (Thousands of years ago).  People didn’t have computers, or even paper!  If you wrote something into a rock (or stone), it would be permanent.  If something is “permanent” it means it lasts forever.  I can’t be erased.

So if something is “set in stone” or “written in stone” it means it’s permanent.  We often use this phrase in the “negative”.  We say “This is NOT written in stone” or “Don’t worry, this isn’t set in stone“.  This means, “don’t worry, we can still change it if we want”

An example:  I think I’m going on a trip next month but nothing is set in stone yet.  (That means, I’m not 100% sure I’m going on the trip)

Another example:  We can just call the restaurant and change our reservations until an hour later.  It’s not like they are written in stone.

نوشته شده در جمعه 4 مرداد 1392برچسب:,ساعت 11:34 توسط Majid| |

If someone is a “late bloomer” it means that they become successful, but at a later time in life than most people.

Imagine if a child was very shy in school and didn’t to very well on tests for the first 15 years of his or her life, and then all of a sudden, that student started doing REALLY well on tests.  We could call that child a “late bloomer“.

Some professional athletes are the best later in their careers.  They are late bloomers too.  Also, if someone because very successful financially (after the age of 60) they would be a late bloomer.

Also, if someone actually grew late, they would be a late bloomer.  For example, a very tall man might not have been too tall when he was in high school.  He could say to his friends, “I was a late bloomer.  I started getting really tall after I got into university”.  You get the idea.

نوشته شده در جمعه 4 مرداد 1392برچسب:,ساعت 11:29 توسط Majid| |

If someone asks you “what is the point” of doing something, it means, “What is the reason for doing it?”  Or, “What is the purpose for doing that?”

If someone says there is “no point” in doing something, it means there is no good reason to do it, and it is in fact a terrible idea.

Here are some great examples:

What’s the point of telling your boss you think he is not smart?  You know he’s going to get angry and possibly fire you.

What’s the point of taking a flight to that city?  The plane tickets are expensive and it’s only a 2 hour drive from here to there.  Let’s just drive.  It won’t take much more time anyway.

There is no point in calling her now.  She’s obviously very angry with you and doesn’t want to talk.  Wait until she calms down and then call her.

نوشته شده در جمعه 4 مرداد 1392برچسب:,ساعت 11:16 توسط Majid| |

A “Choir” is a group of singers, often in a church.  ”Preaching” is what the church leaders do.  They try to explain their religion to the people in the audience.  If you are “preaching“, it is almost like you are giving a lecture and trying to make others believe what you are saying.  You are trying to “convince” them of something.

Well, in a church, the people in the choir probably already believe what the preacher is saying.  They don’t need to be convinced about the religion.  They already believe in it.

So… In spoken English, if someone says, “You are preaching to the choir” it means, “I already agree with what you are saying, you don’t need to try to convince me”.

This is a great phrase and I hope you use it the next time someone spends time and energy trying to convince you of something you ALREADY believe or agree with.  Just say to them, “I know.  I know.  You are preaching to the choir“.  This will make you absolutely sound like a true native speaker!  It’s a very useful and high level spoken English slang phrase.  Use it well!

نوشته شده در جمعه 4 مرداد 1392برچسب:,ساعت 11:5 توسط Majid| |


If something is “off the charts” it means that it is too big to even measure, or “unusually large in some way”.

If a person weighs 250 kg, you could say that their weight is “off the charts“.  It’s “too big to measure” or “too big for a normal scale to measure”.

It doesn’t have to be ONLY about physical size either.  Anything that is FAR bigger or FAR smaller than normal is “off the charts“.

It can mean “great”, “terrible” or something else extreme.  The meaning is always obvious and it depends on the context of where it’s used.

Examples will certainly help give you a clear idea of how this is used in real spoken English.


Her singing is amazing.  It’s off the charts.  (She is an unbelievably great singer



 I can’t believe how stupid he is.  It’s just off the charts!  (He is very very stupid)


His strength is off the charts.  He’s the strongest person I’ve ever seen


نوشته شده در جمعه 4 مرداد 1392برچسب:,ساعت 10:59 توسط Majid| |


It isUnibrow“.  It’s hilarious and native speakers will LOVE it if they hear you use it.  Trust me…..

Ok, let me first break down the meaning.  The first part of the word “uni” means “one”.  For example, a “unicycle” means “one wheel” and a “bicycle” means “2 wheels”.  (bi means two)

Secondly, “brow” is short for “eyebrow”.  A person’s “eyebrow” is the hair above each eye.  Most people have 2 eyebrows.

So now… Imagine a really hairy person.  Sometimes these people will have hair in between their eyebrows.  This makes the eyebrows look connected, and it makes the person look like they have one HUGE eyebrow.  Trust me, it doesn’t look good.  If you see someone with this, you can say they have a “unibrow”.  It’s really funny American slang.  All native English speakers know what this is, and they will laugh if you use this term “unibrow” correctly.  Below is a photo of someone with a unibrow so you can understand what I’m talking about.  Hilarious!!


نوشته شده در جمعه 4 مرداد 1392برچسب:,ساعت 10:42 توسط Majid| |

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